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Instruction Decode Unit with Microcode-ROM

The decode stage transforms Bytecode in Opcode for controlling activities in the execution stage. It recognizes whether an instruction can be executed directly, via microcode sequence or via trap routine. For that purpose it is mainly implemented as a look-up-table, coded in VHDL by a CASE...WHEN instruction. How this works is shown in figure 4.7. Instructions implemented in this prototype are listet in table 4.1. It also contains the transformation into opcodes for controlling the execution unit.

Figure 4.7:Transformation of Bytecode into Opcode

There are different groups of instructions: Kontrollfluß is for program flow controlling instructions. Stack, Load and Store belong to instructions for stack memory access (stack and local variables). The ones out of arithmetisch and logisch are for controlling execution in the arithmetic logic unit of the execution stage, groups If and Cmp hold branch instructions for the branch control unit. erweitert are all instructions which directly can address hardware as extended Bytecodes. For the resulting coding see section 4.5.
Table 4.1: Prototype instructions
BC-Mnemonic Bytecode Mnemonic Opcode Group implemented as
aconst_null 0x01h push 0100 0000 Stack directly
iconst_m1 0x02h
iconst_0 0x03h
iconst_1 0x04h
iconst_2 0x05h
iconst_3 0x06h
iconst_4 0x07h
iconst_5 0x08h
bipush 0x10h
sipush 0x11h
iload 0x15h loadv 0001 0000 Load directly
aload 0x19h
iload_0 0x1Ah
iload_1 0x1Bh
iload_2 0x1Ch
iload_3 0x1Dh
aload_0 0x2Ah
aload_1 0x2Bh
aload_2 0x2Ch
aload_3 0x2Dh
iaload 0x2Eh aload 0001 1000 Load microcode
istore 0x36h storev 0010 0000 Store directly
astore 0x3Ah
istore_0 0x3Bh
istore_1 0x3Ch
istore_2 0x3Dh
istore_3 0x3Eh
astore_0 0x4Bh
astore_1 0x4Ch
astore_2 0x4Dh
astore_3 0x4Eh
iastore 0x4Fh astore 0010 1000 Store microcode
dup 0x59h loado 0001 0001 Load directly
iadd 0x60h add 0011 0000 arithmetisch directly
isub 0x64h sub 0011 0001 arithmetisch directly
imul 0x68h mul 0011 0100 arithmetisch directly
idiv 0x6Ch div 0011 0101 arithmetisch directly
ineg 0x74h neg 1100 0000 logisch directly
ishl 0x78h shl 1100 0001 logisch directly
ishr 0x7Ah shr 0011 0010 arithmetisch directly
iand 0x7Eh and 1100 0011 logisch directly
ior 0x80h or 1100 0100 logisch directly
ixor 0x82h xor 1100 0101 logisch directly
iinc 0x84h iinc 0011 0010 arithmetisch directly
ifeq 0x99h ifeq 0101 0000 If directly
iflt 0x9Bh iflt 0101 1001 If directly
if_icmpeq 0x9Fh braeq 1010 0000 Cmp directly
if_icmplt 0xA1h bralt 1010 1001 Cmp directly
load_word 0xFFx04h load_w 0001 0001 Load directly
store_word 0xFFx24h store_w 0010 0001 Store directly
read_pc 0xFFx40h r_pc 1111 0000 erweitert directly
read_optop 0xFFx43h r_optop 1111 0001 erweitert directly

Address modes are limited in a stack architecture (discussed in section 4.3. That is why indirect address mode only exists with external memory access, for which only the instructions load_w and store_w are implemented in this prototype. All other instructions work on stack only and therefore with implicit address mode.

Additionally this decode stage determines needed operands in an operand fetch functionality. To do so it generates control signals like base register address and offset for the stack memory unit (see also section 4.4.5) so that all operands can be read for execution during the next clock cycle.

After the correct functionality of this pipeline is validated the instruction decode unit will be extended by the ability of recognizing data dependancies and to work them out by data forwarding. For this purpose additional control signals have been added to control the execution stage. The whole instruction decode unit is shown in figure 4.8.

figure 4.8: Instruction Decode Unit

If a microcoded instruction is decoded a request with an address is sent to the Microcode-ROM Unit. This functional block sends back the sequence of directly executable instructions which is defined for replacing the decoded Bytecode. A state machine is used for this purpose. While no microcode is active it sends back 0xFFFFFFh which means normal decode action can be carried out to control execution.

This functionality is shown by the four concurrent processes in figure 4.16. One is for managing instruction data in buffering, decoding and shifting, the others generate output like instruction window full and the program counter to be passed with the next instruction.

Figure 4.16: Statechart of the Instruction Window & Decode Unit

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Robert Zulauf
